Ibriz Akhtar is a Trendsetter in the Fashion World
Ibriz Akhtar hails from London and has become an ace fashion designer. She to one who introduced fashion influencer term in social media when it comes to influencing a large number of fashion hungry people in social media and the real world. She has been regular on her Instagram handle and transcends to the zenith proving her niche in the fashion industry. She developed her skills not just for fashion and dress design but also worked on her other skill sets like social media marketing along with visual and apparel merchandising.
This helped her to work with top fashion brands to name a few those are all top brands in the fashion world in different continents and nations. This gave her the opportunity to travel and see places and people along with their sense of fashion and designs. This made her understand their requirements and diversity in fashion. She with her incredible skill sets and magnetic personality can make anyone her fan.
One of the most striking features in her personality is her knack to design and develop dresses and fashion for all occasion and genres at an affordable cost. She has some of the best designs and fashion to offer. The same is the story with special parties and occasion dresses. She is skilled to design the dresses with her skill sets. She is a fashionista and trendsetter when it comes to coming out with incredible designs and outfits that can easily trend at any place you go.

Magazine launched for helping women for success. Lakkars has always served and worked efficiently towards women empowerment, we have blossomed into America’s most-read fashion magazine.