Fashion Develop A Strategy For The Second Half Of 2020
When nature fights back, we must turn to nature to help us solve harsh challenges. While the coronavirus pandemic has its dangers, it remains clear to me that the spirit of the American people will pioneer in understanding by developing fresh ideas moving forward. After all, ideas are born in America.

In our humble opinion, American’s have quickly adapted to the new speed and direction of business like never before. In fact, I believe that today’s workforce will be the greatest adventurer and innovator of our time. We are sure that positive changes are clearly on the horizon.

Although we don’t wish to come off as shallow during these trying times, we are here to inform you that now it is not the time to appear visually unkempt. Working remotely should not be a free pass to lounge around in sleepwear during office hours. Having moderated and participated in countless client zoom meetings these last seven months, we can assure you that presenting yourself with beauty and style will make a tremendous difference in how you look and feel as well as how others will perceive you.

Magazine launched for helping women for success. Lakkars has always served and worked efficiently towards women empowerment, we have blossomed into America’s most-read fashion magazine.