How These Girls from James Bond Doing Now
Only a few people would argue that the Bond Girls were the finest women in the industry of entertainment. But some were wondering what they were up to recently. This article would give the readers the latest scoop about the lives of all these gorgeous ladies. And most of us would realize that as opposed to diamonds, being a Bond girl would not last forever.

Jane Seymour, Live and Let Die

Jane Seymour was also known for her role as Solitaire in Live and Let Die. She was one of those on the attractive end of the spectrum when it came to the James Bond girls. And luckily, her career did not end there. Jane took on other prominent roles such as Dr Quinn, the Medicine Woman. This was most likely her biggest role after her appearance in James Bond. She had taken huge leaps in her career as an actress. She had also taken roles for Smallville and Wedding Crashers. And while Jane’s career might seem like a bombshell, the next on the list would be just as mind-blowing, if not more.
Lana Wood, Diamonds Are Forever

Even though Diamonds Are Forever would not be considered Sean Connery’s most superb movie, this one was most likely one of the classiest and had the most gorgeous girls in the history of the James Bond series. However, Lana Wood’s first breakthrough in her career was when Hugh Hefner requested Lana Wood to pose for Playboy. And ever since she agreed to this, it became easy for her to enter the world of acting. She had also appeared in Fantasy Island, Mission: Impossible, and Starsky and Hutch. These were just a few of her hits. Because of her age, some would find it reasonable that she had retired from the acting world. However, these are just mere speculations and she had shown up in a few 21st-century movies such as Killing Poe and Wild Faith.
Izabella Scorupco, GoldenEye

Izabella Scorupco’s role in the James Bond movie series could be one of the most nuanced and complex within the franchise. Her role in the film GoldenEye was that of someone who worked as a missile guidance expert and she also had a pivotal role in the film. It was widely believed that her portrayal as Natalya Simonova had served as her springboard for success in her career. And ever since she got full-time exposure, she had also become super busy within the acting industry. Izabella Scorupco even had some moderate hits such as Sleepwalker, Exorcist: The Beginning, and her most recent one was The Undreaming of Anna Bell Zeigler where she played the role of Harriet Zeigler. And yet, the next Bond girl in this article was the one who started it all.
Daniela Bianchi, From Russia with Love

Daniela Bianchi was an Italian actress that was one of the clearly well-known James Bond girls. One of the factors was her unrivalled beauty. She played the part of Tatiana Romanova who was a Soviet clerk that decoyed Bond into a trap. This type of malicious theme was a common pattern during the Cold War. She soon retired from her acting career when she married Alberto Cameli, a rich and affluent shipping magnate. Her husband also urged her to take a halt from her acting career. Despite her retirement, Daniela Bianchi still made an appearance for a 2012 Italian documentary film that was titled We’re Nothing Like James Bond.
Diana Rigg, On Her Majesty’s Secret Service

Aside from being a James Bond girl, Diana Rigg was also known for her role as Emma Peel and Lola for the Avengers during the 1960s. And it seemed that hard work and luck paved her way to success as it seemed that she always knew how to find the successful hits. Diana Rigg had also appeared in Game of Thrones as Olenna Tyrell. She was also famous for her roles in Snow White (1987) and The Painted Veil. This James Bond girl had also been recently active and she had a role for a psychological horror movie that was directed and written by Edgar Wright that was titled Last Night in Soho. However, what made Diana Rigg stood out from the others on this Bond girls list was her marriage in the film to James Bond as Tracy di Vicenzo. And now, the next one on the list was a James Bond girl who also appeared in the X-Men franchise.

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