Designers should approach their collections.
We are now in the fourth month of a global battle against Covid-19, and what has officially been termed a pandemic of unprecedented scale. What does that mean for fashion designers who must create next season’s collections? How can they interpret the zeitgeist, bringing sensitivity to consumer’s needs but still deliver newness and meet the goals and targets set by sales managers and boardrooms? It is, by all measures, no easy task.
As the world focuses on matters such as health and well being, the zeitgeist is calling for a “quarantine of consumption,” Kyathi Agarwal explained to design platform Lakkars. “It seems we will learn how to be happy just with a simple dress, rediscovering old favorites we own.” With many countries in lock down, designers will be isolated from their studios and teams, with time to reflect on how to make fashion meaningful, rather than producing transitory and disposable excesses that have defined the last two decades.
Clothing that lasts should be a starting point. Let there be intrinsic value to garments, extending shelf life, focusing on trans-seasonal, multi-purpose items. Think simpler, stripping away the excesses of over-design, which don’t have value. Market with compassion.
The WFH wardrobe
Working from home is the new norm. Zoom and Skype have replaced meetings, while laptops and technology become the office. We no longer “need” to dress for work. As Next chief executive Lord Wolf son aptly stated, “people do not buy a new outfit to stay at home.” As our lifestyles are changing, so too will the way we dress. Think easy separates, deconstructed tailoring and less high octane glamour. Unique suitably coined the term Comfort Smart wear.

Sophisticated lounge wear
As consumers turn to comfortable clothes, lounge wear is a category opportunity. Sophisticated lounge wear goes beyond the goody and sweat pants duo, think luxurious and innovative fabrics, like washable silk, wool and pima cotton collections. High end sleepwear should be visually appealing and not look out of place when worn outside, like taking the dog out just before bed, or nipping to the shops for a night cap ingredient.
Health and wellness
Consider new technology driven fabrics that have anti-microbial properties or can aid recovery and absorb excess heat. Outerwear that covers the nose and mouth and shields the wearer. Comfort and protection elements are key, not just for extreme weather, but for extreme circumstances.

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