Got A Hair Makeover
Do you know that part of teen rom-coms where the nerdy girl goes through a makeover and turns into a gorgeous prom queen? Well, baby girl, you’re in that part of the movie in your life and your hair needs a fresh lease of life right away. A hair makeover is one of those quintessential life experiences that every girl needs to go through to see what a world of difference such a simple thing can make to your self-esteem and how you see yourself. So you must be wondering, “When do I need to get a hair makeover?” The simplest answer to that question is whenever you feel like it. But there are a few signs that you can look out for when your hair look starts feeling too monotonous.
Signs That You Need To Go For A Hair Makeover

You can’t remember the last time you had a haircut:
A lot of people (including me) go months upon months without getting a haircut and, thus, get stuck sporting the same old hair look for the longest time. So, if you can’t remember the last time you had a haircut or the last time you went to a new hairdresser and requested a new style, then you really need to consider getting a hair makeover.
You do the same hairstyle Every. Single. Day:
Yes, the joy of finding a hairstyle that works perfectly with your hair takes less than 2 minutes to do and can be reasonably sported every single day is incomparable. But sporting the same bun or ponytail (or whatever style you sport) every single day can make you look…well, boring. There! I said it! So, it’s time to get out of the rut and try out something new with your hair.
Your hair color has seen better days:
Your hair tends to look dull and lifeless if you go too long without changing up its cut and style. So, when your hair has lost its shine and you start using words like ‘mousy’ and ‘limp’ to describe it, it’s time for you to make an appointment with a hair colorist.

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