Use These Science-Backed Makeup Enhancements
If you have the time, energy and inclination to do so, you can further capitalize on the power of makeup with these four enhancements:
- Blush: Studies show that having a pink tint to your cheeks makes you look younger and, to the subconscious mind, slightly aroused, because for many, it resembles their natural color in sensual states.
- Mascara, eye shadow and eyeliner: Cosmetic surgeon Adam J. Scheiner, M.D. says that because women naturally have more color variation around their eyes, eye makeup enhances that and makes them looks more attractive. You also can use these cosmetics to increase the perceived size of your eyes so you look younger.
- Lipstick: Again, this increases the color contrast of the mouth. It also probably is no surprise that women who wear red lipstick are perceived as more attractive to straight men than those who opt for a more muted color of lipstick or none at all.
- Contour: As we previously discussed, our brains love symmetrical faces. Contouring your face can make it more symmetrical in addition to sharpening your angles.
For tips on how to do these types of makeup, seek the wonderful advice of beauty bloggers who can walk you through every type of makeup look step-by-step.

How the Social Psychology of Makeup Affects Your Relationships
Makeup does more than alter a woman’s attractiveness; it also plays a role in her ability to form new relationships. While straight men look at a woman’s makeup or lack thereof to help determine her attractiveness, straight women use makeup to help judge other women’s personalities.
Research has discovered three key findings about how straight women perceive each other’s makeup:
- Women rate other women who wear makeup as more dominant. This perception that women who wear makeup are more powerful plays a role in why makeup is important to help women have successful careers.
- Women are more jealous of other women wearing makeup and perceive them as more promiscuous. This is particularly the case when women wear bold, sexy makeup, such as eye shadow and dark/bright lipstick.
- Women bond faster with other women who wear makeup that is similar to what they themselves wear. We’re naturally drawn to people who are like us. So, it’s no surprise that makeup is one of the characteristics women look for in determining who to form friendships with. If you think about it, makeup says a lot about women, such as how much they value beauty, how much attention they desire, etc.
Men, on the other hand, tend to have varied opinions of women based on how much makeup she wears and how attractive that makes her appear. One woman discovered this when she did a social experiment to find out how men react differently toward her depending on her makeup levels. To test this, she created three Tinder profiles with three levels of makeup, ranging from natural to glamorous.
The three findings that we want to hone in on:
- The account with bare-faced makeup received the most friendly–not flirtatious replies. Men appeared to see her as a potential new buddy as opposed to a sexually attractive partner.
- The account with an average amount of makeup received the most flirty replies and request for dates.
- The account with the glam makeup gave men the impression that she was looking for easy hookups.
If you’re single, consider these findings when you present yourself on online dating and in any other settings you use to find dates.
Makeup is important, but too many women make the mistake of wearing so much that they lose its benefits. One study had women do their makeup as they would for a night out and researchers took pictures throughout the process. Then they showed the pictures of women’s faces ranging from zero makeup to fully make up and several in between two men and women and asked them to judge which photos were the most attractive. They found that, on average, women were rated the most attractive with 60% of the makeup they put on for a night out. In other words, most women wear so much makeup that it exceeds what is considered attractive.
Another study found that when makeup is not overdone, it makes women appear more likable, trustworthy and competent.Bottom line: Be mindful of the impression you want to make and focus on using makeup to enhance your natural beauty.

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