Naina Singla Passion Over Pay and Found Style’n Success
Naina Singla has been making a name for herself in the DC metro region over the course of the past decade through her full-time personal styling business, which she runs directly from her home with occasional stints on TV and in-person appointments.
Becoming an entrepreneur wasn’t part of the original plan for Naina Singla, yet like so many great journeys, an unexpected twist in life led her to become an entrepreneur and fashion stylist. Naina got started as an entrepreneur and like many, it turns out her entrepreneurial beginnings stemmed from a very successful corporate career.

Naina spent over twelve years in the medical field, earning a Doctorate of Pharmacy and achieving the status and salary of an executive in the biotechnology industry in Boston. While she loved her job she knew that it was also making big demands on her time. When she became a mother she was starting to feel that struggle of balancing time constraints between her career and her family. So when her husband’s job moved the family to Washington D.C., she decided to seize the opportunity and make the transition of a lifetime — leaping into entrepreneurialism.

Knowing she had a knack for aesthetics and constantly hearing from colleagues and friends she had an eye for style, Naina had already started a fashion and lifestyle blog years before the leap. However, that platform allowed for an organic transition as her trusted blog transformed into a business, STYLE’N, that already had established, loyal fans.
Singla speaks the way many who have made a courageous career change speak – with gratitude and excitement – when it turns out the decision wasn’t so bad after all. “I left it all to become an entrepreneur. But I am so happy. I feel so good every day and feel like I have so much potential. I feel lucky I found my creativity.”

Singla is down to earth, engaged, and easy to talk to. It’s rare when an interviewee posits questions. Reflection is not at the top of the list while self-promoting, but Singla has calm, attractive energy. It is believable that she works with women closely, building them up, listening, and observing, in order to foster a creative relationship.

Magazine launched for helping women for success. Lakkars has always served and worked efficiently towards women empowerment, we have blossomed into America’s most-read fashion magazine.